Alabama Extension has released its Private Pesticide Applicator Training and Testing for the 2022 calendar year.
The classes are designed for producers who need to take the private pesticide applicator test in order to purchase restricted use products. They will also be discussing chemical safety and sprayer calibration during the class. Any farmer or applicator who applies pesticides on a large scale will benefit from the training even if a restricted pesticide license is not needed.
Those interested in attending any of the classes need to call the Extension office in the county that they want to attend and make a reservation as seating is limited in some locations.
A fee of $20 will be charged for the training and testing. An additional licensing fee of $25 will be sent to the Department of Agriculture and Industries by the applicant.
Below are the dates and locations:
Jan. 13 Coosa County E-911 office 8 a.m.-noon (CST)
Jan. 20 Economic Development Office, Roanoke 8 a.m.-noon (CST)
Jan. 21 Talladega County Extension Office 8 a.m.-noon (CST)
Jan. 26 Valley Sportsplex 12:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (EST)
Feb. 1 Clay County Extension Office 8 a.m.-noon (CST)
Feb. 3 Macon County Extension Office 8 a.m.-noon (CST)
Feb. 10 Heflin Community Arts Center 8 a.m.-noon (CST)
Feb. 15 Lee County Extension Office 8 a.m.-noon (CST)
Sept. 15 Tallapoosa County Extension Office 8 a.m.-noon (CST)
Oct. 4                           Russell County Extension Office                  12:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (EST)