Christmas tree sales are booming this year, and COVID-19 may be a reason why.
Both Frank Wadsworth, owner of Wadsworth Christmas Tree Farm in Wetumpka, Alabama and Jeremy Pickens, Alabama Assistant Extension Professor in Horticulture at Auburn University, agree that the recommendations that people social distance themselves and stay quarantined has left many with the longing to get outside and start a tradition with the family.
A Christmas Tree farm is the perfect place to do so.
Farmer Testimonial
“I think a lot of people who have been quarantined for 14 days and a lot of people who have just not been out in public for such a long period, they figured we’ll just come to the farm. You can social distance up here fairly easy when you’ve got a wide-open area,” said Wadsworth, who planted his first tree in 1976.
“People can wonder around and look for a tree and keep to themselves and have a good time. I’m sure being indoors and all these mandates have had a lot to do with the success at my farm and the people that I’ve talked to, other growers like me.”
Sold Out Earlier Than Normal
Wadsworth said his farm was sold out and did so about a week earlier than in previous years.
“We opened the Saturday before Thanksgiving and we had a pretty good weekend that weekend. Then of course the Friday after Thanksgiving with Black Friday, we call it Green Friday, we were just wrapped up. Then this past Sunday (Dec. 6) we were out of trees in the field. We tag so many trees each year to sell and we have sold every one of the ones we had tagged,” Wadsworth said.
Earlier the Better
“Everybody comes early because they know if you come early, you’re going to get a good selection of a tree. I’ve convinced everybody, I guess, over the years to come early, don’t wait late,” Wadsworth added. “We sold our first tree on Oct. 31. We had a lady call me and said she had her house decorated on Oct. 1 and she was waiting until the end of the month and she wanted her tree.”