Alabama peach producers should mark their calendars for an upcoming peach production meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023, at 11 a.m. (Est.) in Jemison, Ala.

Alabama Cooperative Extension will host the meeting which will feature topics like brown rot management, peachtree borer control, bacterial spot management, chill accumulation update and fungal gummosis management. Scientists at Auburn University will also provide a research update.
This is a free event with lunch provided. Those interested can click here to register.
The address for the meeting is 14 Padgett Lane, Jemison, Ala. 35085.
Chill hours are a current concern for the state’s peach producers following unseasonably warm temperatures in November and early December. Peaches need chill hours to mature. The required chill hours depend on the specific variety growers choose to plant. Some may require as little as 500 chill hours, while others may need as many 800.
According to University of Georgia Extension, fruit trees require a certain number of hours below 45 degrees Fahrenheit to break down growth inhibitors in buds. This allows them to produce fruit in the spring.