AUBURN UNIVERSITY, Ala. – The Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) will host four industrial hemp meetings for new and seasoned growers next month.

Sonja Thomas, Alabama Extension pesticide safety specialist, said all meetings will follow the same agenda, so growers only need to attend one.
“The meeting will be an overview of the 2024 hemp season with changes to hemp rules, requirements licensees must meet and procedures and deadlines,” Thomas said. “We will also provide information on hemp budgets and tips for successful growing.”
Meeting Locations
Thomas strongly encourages all new producers to attend a meeting. Registration is free but required for attendance. To register for one of the following meeting locations, call ADAI at 334-240-7230 or 334-240-3713. You may also email ADAI at
Tuesday, Feb. 6, 9 a.m.-noon; Location: Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries-1445 Federal Drive, Montgomery, Alabama 36107
Thursday, Feb. 8, 9 a.m.-noon; Location: Alabama A&M University Winfred Thomas Agricultural Research Station -372 Walker Lane, Hazel Green, Alabama 35750
Tuesday, Feb. 13 9 a.m.-noon; Location: Tuscaloosa County Extension Office – 2513 Seventh Street, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401
Wednesday, Feb. 29, 9 a.m.-noon; Location: Escambia County Extension Office – 175 Ag-Science Drive, Suite D, Brewton, Alabama 36426
More Information
For more information on industrial hemp, visit Alabama Extension resources online at On the Alabama Industrial Hemp Program web page, you can read more about industrial hemp production and management and also find contact information for members of the Extension Hemp Action Team.