Managing Caribbean Fruit Fly on Peaches

Web AdminPeaches, Pests, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Cory Penca, an entomology Ph.D. candidate and a student in the Doctor of Plant Medicine program at the University of Florida, gave a presentation at the recent Stone Fruit Field Day on managing key pests of peaches in Florida. One of the many pests he discussed was the Caribbean fruit fly. Caribbean fruit fly is specifically a …

Selecting Herbicides for Stone Fruit

Web AdminPeaches, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick With perennial crops such as stone fruits, growers are limited in their weed management options because they can’t choose practices like crop rotation. Therefore, selection of proper herbicides is critical for effective weed control. Peter Dittmar, assistant professor with the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, specializes in weed …

Rootstock Addresses Peach Disease Issues

Web AdminPeaches, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick MP-29 is a hybrid plum-peach rootstock that was created to give peach growers another weapon in the disease-fighting toolbox. Tom Beckman, a U.S. Department of Agriculture research horticulturist, discussed MP-29 at the recent Stone Fruit Field Day in Citra, Florida. MP-29 is the most recent rootstock release from Beckman’s breeding program. Beckman created MP-29 because growers needed …

Managing Scales in Peach Orchards

Web AdminPeaches, Pests, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Cory Penca, a Ph.D. candidate as well as a student in the Doctor of Plant Medicine program at the University of Florida, recently presented at the Stone Fruit Field Day in Citra, Florida. His presentation covered basic pest management tactics for scales, among many other pests of peaches. Scales are difficult to manage because they have a …

Peach Problems and the Role of Rootstocks

Web AdminPeaches, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Tom Beckman, a research horticulturist with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service located in Byron, Georgia, is primarily responsible for developing new rootstocks for the Southeastern peach industry. Beckman spoke at the Stone Fruit Field Day in Citra, Florida, about peach diseases and how they influence rootstock development for the Southeast industry. He …

Two-Spotted Spider Mite Management

Web AdminPeaches, Pests, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Cory Penca, a speaker at the recent Stone Fruit Field Day, covered lots of pests that are potentially devastating to peach growers. Penca is an entomology Ph.D. candidate and a student in the Doctor of Plant Medicine Program at the University of Florida. The last pest he discussed at the event was the two-spotted spider mite. Mites …

Using Peach History to Aid the Future

Web AdminPeaches, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Without the accumulated knowledge and development of peach rootstocks, the Florida peach industry would not be where it is at today. There are still many challenges facing peach growers, but with the experience of people like Tom Beckman, who has 30 years of peach research under his belt, solutions will be found in the near future. Beckman …

Putting Australian Peaches and Raspberries to the Test

Web AdminFruit, Peaches, Research, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Rachel Itle, assistant research scientist in fruit production and genetics at the University of Georgia (UGA), and Dario Chavez, assistant professor at UGA, recently spent two weeks in Australia collecting seeds from wild raspberries, peaches and citrus.  Itle and Chavez plan to use this seed collection to breed new varieties of raspberries and peaches specifically for the …

Georgia Farmers Enjoying Improved Peach Crop

Web AdminIndustry News Release, Peaches, Produce, Top Posts

Last year, the peach crop in Georgia really suffered. But according to Jeff Cook, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources agent for Taylor and Peach counties, this year’s crop has rebounded following colder temperatures this past December and January. In an article written by Clint Thompson, news editor with the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and …

Plum Curculio Management in Peaches

Web AdminPeaches, Pests, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Cory Penca, an entomology Ph.D. candidate and a student  in the Doctor of Plant Medicine program at the University of Florida, gave a presentation at the recent Stone Fruit Field Day on managing key pests of peaches in Florida. Plum curculio was one of several pests he discussed. Plum curculio is a type of weevil that doesn’t …