Watermelon Disease Watch

Web AdminCucurbits, Research, Top Posts, Watermelon

Florida watermelon growers are constantly faced with the challenge of disease management. Whether it’s diseases vectored by whiteflies or fungal diseases such as fusarium wilt, once a crop is infected, the results can be detrimental. Nicholas Dufault, assistant professor of plant pathology and Extension specialist at the University of Florida (UF) in Gainesville, has been studying ways growers can manage …

Taste Test Shows Luffa’s Potential

Web AdminResearch, Top Posts

This emerging Asian vegetable is one to watch in Florida. By Yucong Xie, Guodong Liu, Bala Rathinasabapathi and Muhammad A. Shahid Luffa is a genus of tropical and subtropical plants in the cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae). Native to Asia, particularly in China and Vietnam, luffa is cultivated for its immature fruit, which is consumed as a cooked vegetable (Figure 1). Mature …


Experimental Crop Bed Design Survived Hurricane Irma

Web AdminIndustry News Release, Research, Vegetables

While producers and growers across Florida lost some, if not all, of their crops due to Hurricane Irma, a University of Florida researcher saw his experimental bedding survive the storm. “We were testing for flooding, and didn’t expect to have winds strong enough the effects of wind force on crops,” said Sanjay Shukla, UF/IFAS professor in the agricultural and biological …

North Florida Research and Education Center Expands

Web AdminResearch, Top Posts

Due to a high level of research possibilities in the Suwannee Valley area, another location has been added to the North Florida Research and Education Center. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Suwannee Valley Agricultural Extension Center will become the North Florida Research and Education Center at Suwannee Valley (NFREC-SV), said Bob Hochmuth, assistant director of …

Potential for Commercial Vanilla Production in Southern Florida

Web AdminResearch, Top Posts

By Alan Chambers Think about your favorite desserts like ice cream, cookies, cream-filled pastries and chocolate. These indulgences are the perfect end to an otherwise healthy meal, or a guilty snack when no one’s looking. Many of our favorite desserts include a common, yet irresistible, vanillin flavor extract from the “bean” of the vanilla orchid. Vanillin has enhanced the sensory …