Stone Fruit Day Focuses on Florida Peach Production

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By Breanna Kendrick Ali Sarkhosh, assistant professor and Extension specialist in the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida (UF), spoke at and co-hosted the annual Stone Fruit Field Day at the UF Plant Science Research and Education Unit in Citra. The event included discussions on the issues and challenges in the stone fruit industry. It provided information on …

Georgia Peach Outlook Uncertain

Web AdminPeaches, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

Last year’s low-chill issues, combined with cold weather this year, could affect Georgia peach crops in 2018. Phil Brannen, professor and Extension plant pathologist at the University of Georgia (UGA), gave an outlook for the peach season. Issues from 2017 have the possibility to carry over into this season and affect the crops. Many growers did not follow all the way through with …