Weekly Field Update
Clemson Extension agents provide updates in The South Carolina Grower this week about the status of various crops being produced throughout the state.

Coastal Region
Zack Snipes
- We finally got some much needed rain. I know many farmers were gambling by waiting on the rain to bed up for strawberry planting.
- We should be planting strawberries this week.
- Have I mentioned how putting up a deer fence NOW will deter deer before they begin feeding on your plants? I would happily inspect strawberry plants when they arrive on your farm. I’m just a call or text message away.
- Other crops seem to be progressing nicely, especially with the rain and temperature dip.
Rob Last
- Generally, crops are looking very good.
- Some welcome rain this week has helped all crops.
- We are seeing increasing numbers of lepidopteran pests, particularly diamondback moth.
- Black rot is in evidence in some brassica fields.
- Strawberry planting has begun in the area.
- Rainfall will help with the establishment.
- Remember, overhead irrigation for the first few weeks after transplanting can be beneficial to aid in establishment.
- Please check plants carefully for pests and diseases.
Sarah Scott
- We received some much needed rain last week. Some areas got upwards of 3 inches.
- Strawberry planting is in full swing. Remember to inspect plants carefully upon arrival, especially the roots.
- Bell pepper harvest continues as well as some tomatoes and squash. Brassica plants are coming along nicely with no major issues right now.
Phillip Carnley
- Strawberry growers in my area are now receiving their plants. Upon arrival, inspect plants thoroughly for signs of various diseases and insect/mite pests. A pre-plant dip is recommended if your patch has previously had issues with anthracnose crown rot.
- There are a few late plantings of cowpeas left, with the yields looking pretty good but slowing down considerably with the cooler temperatures.
- Fall greens are doing great, especially with the much needed rain. As of late, the diamondback caterpillar is the ever-present pest showing up in multiple plantings of various stages/ages.
- Sweet potatoes have almost all been harvested with yields looking pretty food and little to no insect issues other than the occasional ding from the wireworm complex.