Clemson Extension and the South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA) have scheduled two Produce Safety Rule Grower Trainings. They will be provided remotely for growers in May. They will be held over two days; May 19 and 20, and during May 27 and 28.

The in-person training in Sumter on June 23 has been canceled. If these trainings are successful, more online trainings will be offered in the future. The Produce Safety Alliance has made this option available until July 31.
Per the registration page: “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this training is being offered temporarily via remote delivery. In order to participate, individuals must have a webcam and audio capability, and will be required to have both operating during the full course of the training (May 19th 1PM – 5PM & May 20th 1PM-5PM). It is a Produce Safety Alliance requirement that participants are monitored in order to verify participants’ attendance and engagement. Participants will only be eligible for the PSA/AFDO Certificate of Course Completion if they are present for all modules of the course. The training will take place via Zoom, which does not require special software. Zoom does have system requirements, which can be found here:
Please make sure that your system meets the requirements for Zoom meetings.
In order to assure a smooth-running training, there is limited space available. Preference will be given to South Carolina growers. If space is available, the training will be open to out of state participants on a first-come, first-serve basis. Out of state participants, please email Brooke Horton to be placed on the waiting list –
The Produce Safety Rule Grower Training Manual v1.2 will be mailed to registrants prior to the training – please be sure that the address you provide at the time of registration is capable of receiving packages. Evaluations and a Zoom link for the training will be sent in a confirmation email prior to the training date.”
Registration can be found at links below:
May 19 & 20:
May 27 & 28: