Tampa, FL – HELM Agro US, Inc., a global manufacturer of high-quality crop protection and fertilizer products announced that Gamma™ herbicide has received federal registration from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Gamma is a non-selective PPO-inhibitor herbicide with a novel active ingredient called Tergeo™ for directed postemergence applications in grapes.
In product development trials and regulatory studies, Gamma has demonstrated extremely promising performance ratings in burndown control for more than 50 broadleaf and grass weeds, including ALS, triazine and glyphosate-resistant species.
Additional characteristics of the new herbicide include an ultra-low use rate, broad tank mix compatibility and a signal word of Caution. The new product is also fast-acting with herbicidal effects occurring within 24 hours after application.
Classified as a Group 14 herbicide, Gamma is formulated as a water-dispersible granule (WG) and contains 0.70 pounds of active ingredient per pound of formulated product.
“HELM is excited to bring new weed control technology to the U.S. grape industry,” says Dave Schumacher, President of HELM Agro US. “Not only will Gamma help with long-standing weed challenges, but as a new herbicide with a novel active ingredient, this product will be a critical option for growers to add to their toolbox specific to resistance management.
Tergeo is a new molecule discovered by Farm Hannong, a Korean agrochemical company, and developed and registered by ISK Biosciences Corporation, a subsidiary of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd., for use in the United States. Earlier this year, HELM Agro US and ISK Biosciences Corporation agreed to collaborate regarding the distribution of Gamma herbicide for the U.S. crop protection market.
“At a time when few new herbicides are being brought to market, Gamma is truly breakthrough technology,” says Schumacher. “At HELM, we have a passion for discovering new technology that will help shape the future of agriculture while creating greater value and profitability for our customers.”
To learn more about new Gamma herbicide, go to discoverhelm.com, call 813-621-8846 or contact your local HELM sales representative.