Rodale Institute, a nationally recognized agricultural nonprofit, has been hard at work to expand resilient farming practices in the Southeast.
Through a USDA-funded project, Rodale Institute and its partners are enrolling 100 organic and conventional vegetable farmers as well as farmers markets across the Southern Piedmont region (Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama), in a research study that provides farmers with the benefit of financial support.
This project, led by Rodale Institute and funded by the USDA, tests the environmental and economic benefits of cover crops and other climate-smart practices. Over $6 million in cash and non-cash incentives are available to participating farmers, market managers, and market farmers.
The project will gather data, evaluate the impact of regenerative farming practices, and provide technical assistance to successfully market the commodities produced by the project’s participants. Space is still available for farmers in the study, but the application period is nearing its deadline.
Farmers interested in participating can apply here.
Farmers markets also have an important role in the project, helping to educate consumers about agricultural practices that are better for communities through consumer surveys and the use of on-site marketing materials. There are still slots for farmers markets in the Southern Piedmont to participate – learn more about the role markets will play and apply for participation here.
The Southern Piedmont Climate Smart project is part of an historic multi-billion dollar investment by the USDA in American farmers.
Questions about the Southern Piedmont Climate-Smart Project?
Please refer to our FAQ Page or contact
Dr. Kristie Wendelberger, Climate-Smart Project Director