The cover story of the January issue of Specialty Crop Grower Magazine focuses on citrus greening disease (also known as huanglongbing or HLB) in Florida. This year marks the 20th anniversary the disease has devastated the citrus industry in Florida. The state’s output of citrus has plummeted by nearly 90%.
The story highlights Southern Gardens Citrus and outlines how the company has changed its production over the past two decades as a result.
Pyrethroid resistance in corn earworm remains a threat to the sweet corn industry in South Georgia. The normal chemical applications that producers have utilized to control the insect pest, have become much less reliable. Stormy Sparks, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable entomologist, discussed the pest.
Also included is a story about how heat mitigation plans protect farms and workers. Since farm work is mostly done outside and in the heat of the day in the Southeast, worker protection is key. The magazine story outlines preventative measures that can be implemented to keep workers safe. It’s also best to know the signs of when a worker starts to experience overexposure to heat, such as cramps, exhaustion and stroke.
Top priorities for the citrus industry as we head into 2025 include HLB resistance and hurricane recovery. Leaders of multiple citrus organizations sound off on those issues that challenge Florida’s producers.