The September issue of Specialty Crop Grower Magazine puts watermelons under the spotlight.
Melon 1 is the largest U.S. watermelon grower, packer and shipper in the United States. Founded in 1997, Melon 1 has expanded and provides its customers with a year-round supply of watermelons. Rachel Syngo, new business development manager for Melon 1, highlights what separates Melon 1, which thrives on grower partnerships and brokering.
Another feature puts fusarium wilt management under the spotlight. The fungal disease can be the worst problem encountered every year in Florida and Georgia, the top two states in watermelon production. If growers are scouting for fusarium wilt, they should look for dull gray to green leaves and wilting during the hottest time of day.
Jordan Carter, director of sales and marketing with Leger & Son, is profiled as a leader in the watermelon industry. The vice president of the National Watermelon Association and past president of the Watermelon Promotion Board has helped producers overcome challenges to the watermelon industry, like the current labor crisis, land and the costs of production.
Controlled-release fertilizers are an expensive but efficient method for growers hoping to reduce nitrogen leaching and cut labor expenses. Bob Hochmuth, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences regional specialized Extension agent in Live Oak, Florida, discussed the impact of research on controlled-release fertilizers.
Also included is a recap of the Citrus and Specialty Crop Expo that was held on Aug. 21-22 in Tampa, Florida.