According to The South Carolina Grower, hemp applications are available for interested growers through Feb. 28. Applications must be completed online here. Processor and handler permit applications are also available on the South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA) Hemp Farming Program website.
The SCDA announced that grower permit fees are reduced from $1,000 to $500. The application fee is $100. A list of all other fees can be found here.

The SCDA announced in a news release that their new residue lab is nearing completion and will offer THC analysis starting this summer.
“Hemp farming permit holders must have their hemp tested before harvest to ensure it does not exceed THC levels set by law, so the opening of an affordable, nationally certified state-run lab will help farmers cut costs and improve operations. The SCDA Seed Laboratory is also now equipped for hemp seed germination and purity analysis,” according to the press release.
For more information, please see the full SCDA news release.