AUBURN UNIVERSITY, Ala. – Alabama’s peach crop is deficient in necessary chill hours this year. There is some uncertainty regarding the upcoming harvest season, as Alabama growers are currently evaluating the state of their crop.

Seasonal temperatures play a key role in providing the best size and flavor of peaches through chilling hours. Edgar Vinson, an Alabama Extension commercial horticulture assistant professor, said chilling hours are not sufficient for optimum peach production at this point—leaving the fruit crop with major question marks.
“Central Alabama is deficient in chilling this year,” Vinson said. “As of Feb. 15, chill accumulation in central Alabama was approximately 772 chill hours – well below the preferred minimum of 850,” Vinson said. “We are even further below the 982 chill hours on this day last year.”
That begs the question of what does it mean for the state’s peach crop in 2023? There is a chance that harvests could see residual effects.
“Peach farmers in central Alabama will likely see a longer bloom period and a smaller-than-usual crop at each harvest for peach varieties with moderate or high chill requirements,” Vinson said.
However, there is no need to panic for peach lovers in Alabama. Local vendors should still have enough tasty fruit to go around as long as the weather complies.
“Alabama peach farmers are in a position to have a good harvest as long the weather does not get too cold after tree buds begin to break,” Vinson said.
Peaches are an important crop to central Alabama. Even though this season’s yield may not surpass last year’s, producers are preparing for harvest this spring so that everyone can enjoy this juicy treat.
To learn more about peaches and chill portions or chill hours read the Extension Brief, Chill Hour and Chill Portion Comparison in Peaches or read any of the additional peach information on Alabama Extension’s website,