WASHINGTON, Jan. 8, 2021 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced a new data report, the U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement Seasonal Perishable Products Weekly Update, prepared in close partnership with the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce). The weekly report is based on data provided by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) and its Specialty Crops Market News Division.

“With the impact of COVID-19 on the produce industry, it is critical that we keep an eye on marketplace trends for seasonal and perishable products,” said USDA Undersecretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Greg Ibach. “This report will help the federal agencies involved in overseeing the supply chain understand import trends as we work to address industry concerns.”
This new report was first issued in December 2020 and combines information published by AMS Market News into an easy to read description of the current market trends on key imported specialty crops. The commodities highlighted each week will vary seasonally and will change to follow importing seasons and crop cycles. On Sept. 1, 2020, USTR, Commerce and USDA issued a joint report on Seasonal and Perishable Products in U.S. Commerce which highlighted the need for a near-real time market report to provide USTR, Commerce and the public with the volume and prices for selected seasonal and perishable commodities.