Georgia Legislative Update: SB 144 Passes

Clint ThompsonGeorgia

The Georgia State Capitol, in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States, is an architecturally and historically significant building. It has been named a National Historic Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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By Clint Thompson

The Georgia State Legislative Session continues in Atlanta, and a bill impacting pesticide labeling cleared its final legislative hurdle last week.

Georgia Agribusiness Council (GAC) President Will Bentley spoke with AgNet Media about the passage of SB 144.

“Most importantly, SB 144 passed out of the House, which is final passage for that bill dealing with pesticide labeling and making sure we have plant protection products for our producers across the state and some stability for those manufacturers to know what their legal environment will look like in the state of Georgia,” Bentley said. “We’re very excited to see that reach final passage and head to the governor’s desk.”

The purpose of SB 144, sponsored by Sen. Sam Watson, a specialty crop producer in Colquitt County Georgia, is to clarify what pesticide manufacturers are obligated to include on their product label warnings as mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).