(SW FL – District 19)

John Hoblick
Among many reactions to south Florida Rep. Francis Rooney’s (SW FL – District 19) recently reported comments about what he called the “menace” of agriculture in the Everglades Agriculture Area, Florida Farm Bureau President John Hoblick is reaching out to the Congressman requesting a meeting to discuss the facts directly.
In his letter, Hoblick informed Rooney that the Congressman’s recent characterization of agriculture in the Everglades Agricultural Area is inaccurate, labeling the lawmaker’s comment as “inconsistent with the values and contributions of agriculture to our state’s economic and cultural well-being.”
The Congressman’s remarks were made to a community gathering in Cape Coral, FL in late February, and a video of the statement has been widely circulated in social media. AgNet Media’s reports about the comments early this week set off a firestorm of reaction from farmers, industry and others concerned about the lack of accuracy about agriculture in the midst of the growing south Florida’s water quality controversy.
Florida Farm Bureau, the state’s largest general agricultural organization, represents more than 147,000 member-families. We serve to enhance farm enterprise and improve rural communities.
View Florida Farm Bureau President John Hoblick’s letter here.