According to University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), the highest populations of Asian bean thrips (ABT) were detected this week by scouts in western Hendry County and on the Lee/Collier county line. Many thrips larvae were seen, which suggests that populations may be increasing.
On the Lee/Collier line, an isolated infestation was reported where ABT adults were present at a rate of 0.4 per bloom. In southeastern Hendry County, a rate of 0.1 ABT adults per flower was detected. In western Hendry County, rates were recorded at less than 0.1 adults per flowers.
Scouts did not detect ABT at other locations. This suggests that ABT populations were not present or below sampling threshold. In areas with low populations, it is not recommended to apply insecticides targeting ABT.
Scouts in Homestead, Florida report ABT have been at estimated thresholds since the start of the growing season.
Detection via blue sticky traps decreased to three locations last week. ABT counts on traps ranged from 1 to 3 with a rate of 0.3 ABT per trap. This is an increase from last week’s rate of 0.2 ABT per trap.