By Clint Thompson Alabama’s peach producers are about a month away from harvesting this year’s crop. A lack of uniformity is being observed in early peach varieties. It is a result of freeze damage, says Edgar Vinson, assistant research professor and Extension specialist in the Department of Horticulture at Auburn University. “(The crop is) looking promising. They did have some …
U.S. Drought Monitor: Latest Update for Southeast
South Florida continues to experience various levels of dry conditions, according to Thursday’s release of the U.S. Drought Monitor. Severe drought conditions are observed along the southwestern part of the state, in Sarasota, Charlotte, Lee and Collier counties. Moderate dry conditions are being felt in the south-central region, as far north as Hillsborough, Polk and Osceola counties and as far …
Alabama Extension to Host Vegetable Production Meeting
Vegetable producers in Alabama know It is spring planting season. Growers need to be aware of what to expect before plants are put in the ground. Alabama Extension will host a vegetable producers production meeting on Wednesday, April 6. Extension specialist Andre da Silva and Extension agents Shane Harris and Chip East will lead the meeting, which will begin at …
Oversaturated Soils Delaying Specialty Crop Plantings in North Alabama
By Clint Thompson Persistent rains and oversaturated soils have delayed plantings for some specialty crops in North Alabama. “A lot of rainfall is delaying planting dates. Like (Monday), I visited a couple of growers in central to North Alabama and they were saying, ‘We have all of our seedlings ready for transplants, but our soils are too wet,” said Andre …
Blueberry Damage? What to Look for Following Freeze Event
Sub-freezing temperatures this past weekend across the Southeast put the region’s blueberry crop at risk for damage. Alabama Extension reminds producers what to look for when surveying their crop for damage symptoms. “To find out if the blueberry flower buds have been damaged by frost you can cut through the bud several hours after a freeze and look for browning …
Alabama Cucurbit Producers: Be Mindful of Cucumber Beetles
Alabama cucurbit producers need to be mindful of looming insect pests they are likely to encounter this growing season. It starts with cucumber beetles, usually the first pest farmers will see this year, according to Ayanava Majumdar, Extension Professor in Entomology and Plant Pathology at Auburn University. “They’ll jump onto the plants right when they’re young. They will start feeding …
Hops: A Potential Alternative Crop for Alabama Producers
According to Alabama Extension, research specialists will conduct a hops cultivar trial in the hop yard of the E.V. Smith Research and Extension Center in Shorter, Alabama this year. There will also be a workshop conducted at a later date, training growers on cultivar selection and crop management. The research is in response to increased interest for hops production throughout …
Pest Alert: Be Mindful of Yellowmargined Leaf Beetles
Alabama Extension reminds vegetable producers to be on the lookout for yellowmargined leaf beetles. They are a threat to turnips, cabbages and other cool season crops. According to the Alabama Vegetable IPM Facebook page, yellowmargined leaf beetles have returned in large numbers this season. They can cause significant leaf and root damage. Alabama Extension reports that the adult beetles are …
More Active Housing Market Means Improved Business for Nursery, Greenhouse Industries
By Clint Thompson A more active housing market equates to improved business for the nursery and greenhouse industry. It was especially evident during the past year. Wendiam Sawadgo, Auburn University assistant professor and Extension economist, shared those thoughts during the latest Alabama Extension Commercial Horticulture Webinar Series. “I think we saw a sharp dip starting around March of 2020. We …
USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Applications Being Accepted
The Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) is accepting grant applications for projects that enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops in foreign and domestic markets. The application deadline for these specialty crop block grants through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is April 12, 2022, 5 p.m. CST. Specialty crops are defined by USDA as fruits and vegetables, dried …