Panhandle Growers See Major Losses from Michael

Web AdminCucurbits, Tomatoes, Top Posts, Weather

By Breanna Kendrick Hurricane Michael hit the Florida Panhandle hard. Farmers across this region have lost some, if not all, of their crops. Josh Freeman, associate professor of horticultural sciences at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences North Florida Research and Education Center in Quincy, surveyed the area of Gadsden and Jackson counties for crop damages. …

Heavy Rains May Reduce Silverleaf Whiteflies

Web AdminTomatoes, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Silverleaf whitefly is a concern for growers across the state of Florida. The pest transmits tomato yellow leaf curl virus. “Some years, it’s very heavy early on and growers have to replant. But so far, the pests seem to be pretty well managed,” says Hugh Smith, associate professor of entomology and nematology at the University of Florida’s …

Late Blight: Centuries-Old Pathogen with Deadly Impacts

Web Adminpotato, Research, Tomatoes, Top Posts

Late blight is a deadly, chronic pathogen that occurs annually in potato and tomato crops. Pam Roberts, a professor of plant pathology at the University of Florida, dubbed it a “disease of distinction” during her presentation at the 2018 Citrus Expo. According to Roberts, there is a variety of factors that can contribute to a late blight infection. Once a …

What’s Causing Bacterial Spot in Transplant Houses?

Web AdminTomatoes, Top Posts

Bacterial spot infection in tomato transplant houses moves quickly and can cause serious losses. Peter Abrahamian, a post-doctoral associate at the University of Florida’s Gulf Coast Research and Education Center (GCREC), has been studying this disease and its movement in transplant houses. The main objective of Abrahamian’s research was to find out what causes the infection and how it moves …

tomato disease

UF/IFAS Team Hopes to Fight Prevalent Tomato Disease

Web AdminIndustry News Release, Research, Tomatoes

A University of Florida (UF) scientist will lead a team of researchers trying to help battle Fusarium wilt, a major tomato disease around the world. In doing so, investigators hope to help farmers increase their tomato production. Sam Hutton, an associate professor of horticultural sciences at the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), will use a new $490,000 …


Election Day Commentary: Career Politicians or Dedicated Public Servants?

Web AdminAgri-business, Fruit, Labor, Tomatoes, Trade, Vegetables, Watermelon

By Gary Cooper, Founder/President AgNet Media Sometimes the timing of events can really make us think. Over the weekend, our nation lost one of its greatest public servants. Senator John McCain was nothing less than a statesman his entire adult life. Not once in all the recent news media coverage did I see him referred to as a “career politician.” …

Precautions Growers Should Take in the Rainy Season

Web AdminTomatoes, Top Posts, Watermelon

By Breanna Kendrick The abundance of rain in Florida over the past two weeks has brought concerns about bacterial disease issues for farmers. Gary Vallad, University of Florida associate professor of plant pathology and associate center director at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, discusses some of the precautions growers can take to make it through this rainy season. …


UF/IFAS Researchers May Use Fungi to Control Deadly Crop Disease

Web AdminFruit, Industry News Release, Research, Strawberry, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Watermelon

A group of fungi might fight a disease that’s dangerous to tomatoes and specialty crops. University of Florida scientists hope to develop this biological strategy as they add to growers’ tools to help control Fusarium wilt. Tomatoes are the number one vegetable crop in Florida. In 2017, approximately 28,000 acres of tomatoes were commercially harvested, with a production value of …

Tasty Tomatoes and Other Produce

Web AdminIndustry News Release, Tomatoes, Top Posts

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Imagine sinking your teeth into a fat, bright red tomato, whose aroma promises a tantalizing treat. Instead, you realize you got a great looker, but not a great taster. That’s because the consumer has been left out of the breeding process. For 20 years, Harry Klee, a professor of horticultural sciences at the UF Institute of Food …

Target Spot Getting Tougher to Control

Web AdminProduce, Research, Tomatoes, Top Posts

Alarming levels of fungicide resistance have been detected among isolates of the pathogen that causes target spot on tomato in Florida. By Gary E. Vallad and Samuel Hutton Fresh-market tomatoes are a valuable crop for Florida and are vulnerable to a number of fungal diseases. However, few fungal diseases have caused as much grower concern over the last six years …