Producers impacted by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and qualify for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) 2 still have time to submit their applications. The deadline is Dec. 11. It is open to growers of specialty crops, including fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, honey, horticulture and maple sap.

The United States Department of Agriculture implemented this program to provide producers financial assistance who continue to face disruptions in the marketplace and other costs associated with COVID-19.
According to the USDA, CFAP 2 will provide up to $14 billion to eligible producers. All eligible commodities, payment rates and calculations can be found on CFAP 2 is a separate program from the first iteration of the program (CFAP 1) and interested producers must complete a new application to be eligible for payment for CFAP 2.
As of Nov. 9, the FSA had paid more than $9.5 billion with more than 576,000 applications for CFAP 2. This followed the more than $10.3 billion paid through CFAP 1.
Those growers interested in filling out a CFAP 2 application can meet with staff at their local Farm Service Agency (FSA). Producers interested in one-on-one support with the CFAP 2 application can also call 877-508-8364 to speak directly with a USDA employee ready to offer assistance at our call center.
Visit for additional information on Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2, other eligible commodities, CFAP 2 eligibility, payment limitations and structure and how to apply.