
FFVA Comments on Salmonella Investigation Report

Dan CooperFood Safety, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

Cucumber cultivation and harvest.
By yana-komisarenko@yandex.ru/DepositPhotos

This spring a multistate outbreak of Salmonella (Salmonella Africana and Salmonella Braenderup) occurred, and the ensuing investigation indicated that the illnesses were potentially linked to cucumbers. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported their finding on July 2. The investigation update named a Florida grower as a possible source of illness for this outbreak. The Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association (FFVA) released the following comments after the report.

Culture of Salmonella bacteria
Image by iLexx/DepositPhotos

 “FFVA and other food safety experts are raising concern that the update shared does not provide the most accurate information. Namely, the mischaracterization of water used by the grower.

“We appreciate the FDA and the CDC for their work to determine the cause and scope of the problem because the safety and security of our food supply is the top priority of the fresh produce industry.

“FFVA and the entire produce industry will always support any research or guidance based on sound science, but we must ensure we rely on the science. That is why we urge the FDA and CDC to conduct a complete and thorough investigation as quickly as possible to ensure responsible information is given to consumers.”

By Frank Giles