Florida’s new Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR) is $16.23 and will become effective Dec. 30. It marks a 10% increase from the previous year’s rate of $14.77.

The AEWR increases are part of the reason, the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association (FFVA), along with other industry organizations, submitted a letter to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack this week. The letter addressed the current obstacles related to ag labor and the H-2A program.
“Some regions of the country will see a nearly 10% increase in minimum H-2A wages. Such a spike could not have been foreseen and, for many farmers, comes at a time when budgets have already been set, making it even more difficult for the farmer to absorb that cost. This is an unsustainable burden for farmers to bear and threatens their ability to continue in labor-intensive agriculture,” the letter read.
“Mr. Secretary, though we recognize your tenure is nearing an end, we hope that your efforts to improve and stabilize the H-2A program for both farmers and farmworkers will continue and be part of your legacy of service to American agriculture.
“Thank you for your longstanding service to our nation and industry, and for the leadership you have provided to USDA.”
Other organizations included in the letter were American Farm Bureau Federation, AmericanHort, International Fresh Produce Association, National Council of Agricultural Employers, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, National Farmers Union, North American Blueberry Council, Northwest Horticultural Council, U.S. Apple Association and Western Growers.