Thrips Populations Increasing in Southern Florida

Clint ThompsonFlorida

Adult chilli thrips/Photo by Babu Panthi

Thrips populations are increasing across multiple areas in southern Florida. This is according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline.

Scouts reported moderate levels of chili thrips and low levels of flower thrips in strawberry fields in central Florida.

Population levels are increasing in Southwest Florida. Levels have increased from low to moderate for flower thrips and melon thrips. Thrips populations have also been increasing from moderate to high population levels in mostly pepper and cucurbit fields.

Along the east coast, scout reports indicate moderate levels of western flower thrips, mainly on the edge of pepper fields near ornamental nurseries.

Increased population levels are also observed in eggplant fields in Homestead, Florida.

For fruit and vegetable growers, it is essential to follow these recommendations when managing thrips.

  • Cultural practices can help reduce populations. Reflective plastic mulch can help repel thrips. Avoid planting tomato within 1,000 feet of an ornamental nursery, since those plants are hosts to flower thrips.
  • Do not use insecticides unless you are certain about the pest status of thrips on your crop.
  • Scout fields regularly to confirm infestation levels. If populations are below threshold levels, use softer products to reduce impact on beneficials.
  • Radiant SC is an effective management option, with Exirel, Torac, Assail and Sivanto Prime serving as rotational partners.

Source: South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline