Georgia’s blueberry producers can vote until March 30 on the continuation of the Georgia Commission Blueberry Marketing Order. This allows for the assessment of blueberries produced in Georgia.
Growers who annually produce and market 2,000 pounds or more of blueberries are eligible to vote. The current assessment amount is set at $5 per ton.
Growers can vote and return the addressed envelope with the ballot by March 30, 2021. They must also sign and fill out the back of the envelope to certify they are a qualified Georgia blueberry producer, so the ballot can be counted.
A percentage of two-thirds of the returned eligible ballots are required for the continuation of the market order.
The Georgia Agriculture Commodity Commission for Blueberries uses the funds for research, education and promotion of Georgia blueberries.
If a grower does not receive a ballot, please contact:
Andy Harrison
Manager, Commodity Commissions
Georgia Department of Agriculture
(404) 710-1196