Atlanta, Ga – Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper announced on Tuesday that the Georgia Department of Agriculture Agricultural Inputs Division has issued a “Stop Sale” Order on Midash Forte Insecticide (EPA Reg. No.83529-6) manufactured for Sharda USA, LLC.
Lab test results indicate Batch TX433 is contaminated with herbicides and could potentially cause crop damage. Midash Forte is a commonly used insecticide, and the department encourages farmers to check their supply and discontinue the use of Midash Forte Insecticide Batch TX433.
The Georgia Department of Agriculture’s Laboratory Division routinely tests products to ensure quality and label accuracy. Several lab tests of Midash Forte Insecticide Batch TX433 showed varying amounts of Triclopyr, and in some samples 2,4-D, when the label indicates only one active ingredient Imidacloprid. Consumers who have purchased Midash Forte Insecticide (EPA Reg. No.83529-6) Batch TX433 can contact Sharda USA, LLC. for more information.