Registration will close soon for the virtual Georgia Produce Safety Alliance Training, which will be held Feb. 23 and 24 from 8 a.m. to noon. Registration closes Tuesday, Feb. 16 and is limited to 15 participants.
This two-day online workshop is offered to produce growers. The training will cover the standardized curriculum designed by the Produce Safety Alliance, which meets the regulatory requirements of the Produce Safety Rule under FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act). The course will provide a foundation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and co-management information, FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirements and details on how to develop a farm food safety plan. Individuals who participate in this course are expected to gain a basic understanding of:
- Requirements in the FSMA Produce Safety Rule and how to meet them successfully;
- Microorganisms relevant to produce safety and where they may be found on the farm;
- How to identify microbial risks, practices that reduce risks, and how to begin implementing produce safety practices on the farm; and
- Parts of a farm food safety plan and how to begin writing one.
Further information is available on www.georgiaproducesafety.com or by viewing this detailed flyer. For questions, please email Maggie Brown or Elizabeth Danforth.