Georgia vegetable growers have until March 2 to vote on a Georgia Vegetable Commission marketing order that allows the assessment of one cent per marketing unit of vegetables, which is described in the current marketing order.

The order is applicable only to growers who produce at least 50 acres of the following crops: beans, bell pepper, specialty pepper, broccoli, beets, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cucumbers, eggplant, greens (including collards, turnip greens, mustard and kale), squash (including yellow, zucchini and winter squash), sweet potato and tomato.
If you are a qualified grower and have not received a ballot in the mail by Feb. 10, please contact Andy Harrison: Manager, Commodity Commissions, Georgia Department of Agriculture,, (404) 710-1196
The Georgia Vegetable Commission was established by the Georgia General Assembly in 2006. The marketing order must be re-approved by eligible vegetable growers every three years by a two-thirds affirmative vote.Â