Concern Looms Over Georgia Blueberries

Web AdminBerries, Pollinators, Top Posts

Despite some crop loss due to frost damage, it looks like Georgia blueberries will have a good season. However, Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Gary Black says there is something else to be concerned about regarding Georgia’s blueberry crop. “I’ve learned that blueberry has a real problem with pollination,” he says. According to Black, Georgia experienced some spotty weather this blueberry …

DNA Sequencing Technology for Breeding Better Crops

Web AdminTechnology, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Tong Geon Lee Studies in crop plants now routinely use DNA information, thanks to scientists in the 1960s who invented first-generation machines that interpret DNA information. These devices are often called DNA sequencing machines since DNA is arranged in a particular order. The DNA sequencing approach utilizes computer analysis to assemble DNA sequence from short pieces of DNA sequenced …

Uncertainty Remains in NAFTA Renegotiation Talks

Web AdminLegislative, NAFTA, Top Posts, Trade

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been an ongoing issue since President Donald Trump took office. He has been clear about his distaste for NAFTA and the aspects of the agreement that allow for unfair trade practices. In 1994, NAFTA went into effect under the Clinton administration. The idea that came about in the 1980s under President Reagan …

Celebrate Sweet Corn Harvest Season with Local Farmers

Web AdminCorn, Industry News Release, Top Posts

WEST PALM BEACH, FLA – Sweet corn season is in full swing in Palm Beach County’s Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA), with farmers projected to harvest 430 million ears of locally grown sweet corn by the end of May. Almost as many ears will be listening for the starting bell that inaugurates the International Federation of Competitive Eaters Corn Eating Contest at …

Promoting Georgia Grown Products Nationwide

Web AdminProduce, Top Posts

The Georgia Department of Agriculture is beginning a new marketing campaign to promote Georgia fruits and vegetables around the United States. Matthew Kulinski, deputy director of marketing with the Georgia Department of Agriculture, says this marketing program coincides with Georgia Grown’s new slogan: Nature’s Favorite State. According to Kulinski, the goal of the program is to have Georgia be known …

Sneak Peek: May 2018 VSCNews Magazine

Web AdminSneak peek, Top Posts

Enter the complex world of biogenetic technology in the May issue of VSCNews magazine. Gain a better understanding of gene editing technology in an article by horticultural scientists Andrew Hanson and Guillaume Beaudoin. They explain how gene editing is revolutionizing agricultural biotechnology. Also featured in the May issue is an article by University of Florida student Anne Schwartz that details …

Irrigation Influences Pest Management

Web AdminPests, Top Posts, Water

Water is one of the most critical issues in the modern agricultural world. “We need to conserve water,” says Ayanava Majumdar, an Extension entomologist for the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Majumdar has been looking at how irrigation can impact pest management. “Irrigation is related to plant health, which is related to … pests and how well your plants resist those …

On Tour in the Everglades Agricultural Area

Web AdminSugar, Top Posts, Vegetables

The Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) is a unique region with a long, rich history. Last week, members of the AgNet Media team had the privilege to visit the EAA and surrounding farm areas to meet with some of the area’s key players. During the three-day tour, the team explored agricultural production systems, ranging from sugar to citrus.   ROTH FARMS …

USDA Seeks Nominees for Reestablished Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee

Web AdminFruit, Industry News Release, Produce, Top Posts, Vegetables

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is seeking nominations for the newly reestablished Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee (FVIAC). Eligible nominees include anyone actively working in the fruit and vegetable industry as growers, shippers, wholesalers, distributors, brokers, retailers, restaurant representatives, processors, fresh cut processors, foodservice suppliers, representatives of state departments of agriculture and members of trade associations. Written nominations must …

Debunking the Dirty Dozen

Web AdminProduce, Top Posts

By Brian German The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released its annual Dirty Dozen list, which according to its methodology, names the produce that has the highest levels of pesticide residue. The analysis that is performed is not designed to provide specifics about residue levels or provide the significance of that type of exposure. “For 23 years, the Environmental Working …