University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells encourages producers to apply for the Quality Loss Adjustment (QLA) program. The deadline for the USDA program, which provides assistance to farmers who suffered eligible losses due to natural disasters in 2018 and 2019, is Friday, March 5.
Wells reminded growers of the program in the UGA Pecan Extension blog.
Hurricane Michael
Georgia producers were significantly impacted by Hurricane Michael in 2018. According to UGA Extension, pecans suffered $100 million in direct losses to the crop in 2018, $260 million in losses due to lost trees and $200 million in direct losses for future income.
According to the USDA, the program will assist producers whose eligible crops suffered quality losses due to such natural disasters as qualifying drought, excessive moisture, flooding and hurricanes.
Wells also noted that in addition to Hurricane Michael, pecan producers would also qualify for the 2019 season when hot and dry conditions late in the year led to losses in pecan quality.
“The best documentation you can provide will be an invoice from your buyer with the price and percent kernel showing loss of quality and price along with another invoice from this buyer within the same time period for similar lots showing no quality loss or perhaps even a letter from the buyer verifying this quality-based loss,” Wells said in the UGA Pecan Extension blog.
Click here for more information about the program.