The January issue of VSCNews magazine explores the latest technology and research, giving growers a guide of what to look for in 2020.
Kevin Folta, a horticultural sciences professor at the University of Florida, looks at how far technology has advanced over the past 20 years. He discusses the accelerating pace of genetic discovery and what technological advancements in crop genetics growers can expect to see in 2020.
It’s no secret that organic vegetable production in the Deep South is constantly at risk from insect pests. Ayanava Majumdar, Extension professor and vegetable entomologist with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System at Auburn University, discusses the integrated pest management (IPM) practices and trends for organic growers. Look for his article in the new monthly Organic Corner column in VSCNews magazine.
The Crop Spotlight returns in the January issue of VSCNews magazine, this time focusing on blueberries. Readers will find articles with disease management updates for Georgia blueberries, tips for gall midge management and advice on nutsedge control.
Lastly, readers can learn about crop improvement through high-performance computing. Tong Geon Lee, assistant professor at the University of Florida, discusses this topic.
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