Credit: UF/IFAS/G. Vallad (top); K. MacKenzie (bottom).
Target spot disease is present in numerous tomato fields across south Florida, according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline.
The disease is increasing in eastern Palm Beach County. It is present in most all of the tomatoes in the Manatee Ruskin area and will continue to worsen amid foggy weather and harvest activity.
Target spot continues to move in fields in southwest Florida. Pressure is moderate to high in some of the older tomato fields. Some fruit lesions have also been reported.
Proper scouting is important to detect early signs of the disease and differentiate it from bacterial spot and early blight.
Growers should rotate fields to avoid carryover on crop residue and avoid rotations among solanaceous crops. Eliminate any volunteers and weed species that can serve as a host. Protectant fungicides can also be applied.
Click here for additional management options and symptoms of the disease.