By Frank Giles
It has been tough to keep an optimistic attitude as HLB spread through Florida citrus groves and took production down to historic lows. Mix in recent weather disasters and being positive is even more challenging.

But the 2023 Citrus Achievement Award winner, Glenn Beck, has always believed there will come a day when HLB is finally defeated or mitigated to the point that the industry can remain viable. He says there is still a way’s to go, and his faith is often tested, but the industry will get there. Beck is not a bystander; he has been an active advocate for the industry.
“I am not immune to having bad days. I walk into some of our groves, and I don’t feel all that optimistic. But then there’s others where I can see light at the end of the tunnel,” Beck says.
As a fourth-generation grower, he leans on the memories and the good days to stay motivated and moving forward. The family business, Beck Bros. Citrus, is based in Orange County with groves spread across five other counties in the state.
Beck is particularly excited about the positive results new trunk-injection therapy may provide in Florida’s citrus groves. Currently, two oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC-HCl) products, ReMedium and Rectify, are on the market. A third product from Invaio Sciences is making its way through regulatory approvals.
Beck began treating his own groves and those his business manages with the OTC-HCl products as soon are they were registered. He says the new flushes coming on in the spring look promising.
“We are starting to see some flush and bigger leaves and fruit sizes, and overall tree vigor seems better if we stare at the trees long enough,” he jokes. “Trunk injection is the shining star of the day. If it produces favorable results, you will see some growers reengage and get back into planting. Is it going to be the solution from here on out? No, I think that probably will come in the form of a resistant tree. But for now, if it allows us to keep productive in the current environment, we will take it.

“I hope everyone gives this treatment a chance. It is not going to be a one-and-done application. It is probably going to take a couple of years. Trees are going to have to grow new roots and phloem, even after we get the bacteria levels reduced. And you can’t replace your regular cultural practices. It must be part of a good cultural package. We know not everybody is going to be able to afford all this, especially after the hurricanes. That’s why we are desperately trying to seek some sort of federal assistance like block grants to help growers.”
When asked where he’d ranked OTC-HCl introduction since HLB came on the scene, Beck says: “Right now, I’d put it up there as the biggest breakthrough we’ve seen in the battle against greening.”
Beck says before the OTC-HCl injections were available, he’d begun using other therapies, including the plant growth regulators gibberellic acid and 2,4-D. Those applications seemed to be having some positive impacts in some of his groves. But last year’s hurricanes made it difficult to gauge yield responses due to lost fruit from the storms. He says he still plans to use these materials going forward.
To get the OTC-HCl products registered took a concerted industry effort. Currently serving as president of Florida Citrus Mutual, Beck was actively engaged in this process. And he’s currently working with industry to find ways to help growers afford applications of the products in their groves.
Beck has served on the board of directors of the Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) program since its inception and is a former chairman. CRAFT now has a program aimed at helping to fund grower applications of HLB therapies like OTC-HCl. The funding will be in the millions of dollars and directed toward helping growers make applications for more than just one season to achieve the cumulative benefit the products seem to offer.

Beck has been busy on other fronts serving Florida Citrus Mutual. Disaster recovery from last year’s hurricanes and freeze has been high on the agenda. More recently, advocating for citrus in the ongoing farm bill debate has been another focus.
Matt Joyner, executive vice president and chief executive officer of Florida Citrus Mutual, says Beck has served as president during one of the most consequential periods for the industry.
“There is nobody working more tirelessly on a volunteer basis than Glenn Beck. Anything we’ve asked him to do in his role as Mutual president, he has been right there ready to go,” Joyner says. “And we’ve had our hands full with the freeze, two hurricanes and the state of HLB, along with the work we did to get this label for trunk injection. It has been a busy 18 months at Mutual, and Glenn has worn out the road between his place and our office and made multiple trips to DC and Tallahassee. I can’t say enough how hard he has worked on behalf of the industry.
“He is a farmer’s farmer. He is still on the tractor and out in the grove. He is getting his hands dirty, going hard at it, but still doing everything we are asking him to do to advocate on behalf of this industry.”
Beck will conclude his tenure as president of Florida Citrus Mutual during the organization’s annual conference in Bonita Springs this month. He will be presented with the Citrus Achievement Award trophy during the conference.
Beck will continue to serve on Mutual’s board of directors. As a long-time member of the Orange County Farm Bureau, he is about to begin a term serving as its president.

Beck says he’s hopeful that his work and that of other Mutual members and staff will help stabilize the citrus industry. He is first to credit others for their work rather than to shine the spotlight on himself.
Industry decline from HLB and weather effects can be seen at Beck Bros. Citrus. The business currently owns or manages just over 5,000 acres of citrus. Five years ago, that number was 8,500 acres. Those acres have gone to development and alternative uses.
Given the decline, Beck has a message to fellow growers: “If at all possible, try to stay engaged, even though all answers are not here yet. We are in a race against time just for the land. We know once these groves and lands are repurposed, they don’t come back. I believe these new treatments are going to help us stay engaged and in the game.”
“Glenn will probably have served as Florida Citrus Mutual president at the low of this industry, but at the very same time while we are pursuing some successful strategies that could very well turn the tide for this industry,” Joyner concludes.
Former winners of the Citrus Achievement Award congratulate Glenn Beck on being selected as this year’s honoree.
“Glenn captained the new CRAFT program as we set sail into unchartered waters with few navigational tools. His character, steady hand on the tiller, belief in the mission, willingness to listen and bring everyone to the table made him the right man for the job.
“Leading Florida Citrus Mutual, he is as trusted for his judgment and honesty as he is for his collaborative and friendly style. The industry is fortunate to have a servant leader like Glenn to help guide us back. Congratulations, Glenn!”
Kristen Carlson, Florida Citrus Processors Association
2022 Achievement Award winner
“Congratulations Glenn on this well-deserved recognition. Your leadership and active participation in Tallahassee and Washington, DC have resulted in tremendous benefits to Florida citrus growers.”
Mike Sparks
Florida Citrus Mutual, retired
2014 Achievement Award winner
“Congratulations on being selected for the 2023 Citrus Achievement Award. Over the past two years as the president of Florida Citrus Mutual, you have served diligently through some extremely challenging situations.
“You have been on point, leading the fight for the best outcome for the Florida citrus industry. You have always been willing to dedicate your time and knowledge to your fellow growers to help them find the best results for issues that continue to put a strain on their livelihoods. Well done and keep up the good fight!”
Jim Snively, Southern Gardens Grove Corporation
2008 Achievement Award winner
Thanks to the Sponsor
Florida Citrus Mutual has sponsored the Citrus Achievement Award for the second year in a row. AgNet Media appreciates the organization’s support of the program.