By Clint Thompson
The August issue of VSCNews Magazine provides an in-depth preview of the upcoming Citrus, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Expo, scheduled for Aug. 18-19 in North Fort Myers, Florida. The magazine provides a schedule of events for the citrus and vegetable and specialty crop sessions. It also provides an exhibitor directory and map so attendees will know which industry reps will be in attendance.
Click here to register for the event.
Next month’s issue of VSCNews Magazine also gives growers options and different tactics in protecting peppers from bacterial spot; a common disease that causes lesions on plant stems, leaves and fruit.
Scientists at the University of Georgia and USDA ARS provide information on understanding the complexity of plastic mulch and herbicides. This will help growers overcome the challenge of potential crop injury complaints.
Scientists are also hoping to understand the potential for salmonella contamination in onions. According to the CDC, the 2020 outbreak caused by onions contaminated with salmonella, led to 1,127 illnesses in people in 48 states. It’s another challenge for organic producers, who already deal with pest and weed pressure.
Next month’s issue also explores pollinator protection while using organic insecticides, resistance-breaking strain of the tomato spotted wilt virus as well as the current pallet shortage.
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