It is that time of year again when we seek nominations for the next Florida Grower Citrus Achievement Award winner. Since 2000, the honor has grown into the gold standard of industry recognition for those who have made and continue to make a significant impact within and even beyond the Florida citrus community.
The Citrus Achievement Award is presented to a grower, allied member, legislator, researcher or anyone else who stands out through leadership, innovation, dedication and active participation on behalf of the state’s signature crop.
Candidates must meet the following requirements for consideration:
- Be actively involved with citrus production as a grower, packer/processor, marketer, supplier, researcher or industry advocate
- Have had a measurable impact on the citrus industry within the last three years
- Be actively involved in one or more citrus industry organization or association
- Have demonstrated commitment to the future of the Florida citrus industry, notwithstanding personal gain
- Be a leader who is recognized and respected by industry peers.
Florida Grower is enlisting your help to select the next honoree. Please let us know who you think should be the 2022 Citrus Achievement Award winner and why. If you have someone in mind and are seeking to nominate a candidate for consideration, please fill out the form below. As always, we thank you for your feedback and time in helping celebrate the finest Florida citrus has to offer.
The 2022 Citrus Achievement Award winner will be featured as the cover story in the June issue of Florida Grower magazine. Subsequently, the award will be presented during the Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference in June.
The deadline for nominations is March 31.