— Written By Daniel Tregeagle
The North American Raspberry and Blackberry Association (NARBA), in collaboration with NC State University and the University of Arkansas, is conducting its biennial pricing survey. Growers of caneberries (raspberries, blackberries, and hybrids) in Canada and the U.S. will be asked about prices they received across all distribution methods.
This year, additional questions have been added to capture the impact of COVID-19 on caneberry prices and caneberry operations. All growers who had any caneberry acreage in 2019 or 2020 are invited to participate:
TAKE THE SURVEY The results of the survey will help caneberry growers, and anyone considering growing caneberries, better plan their pricing and production decisions in future years. In addition, this data is useful to researchers and policymakers who need accurate data about caneberry pricing trends in the North American caneberry industry. Caneberry growers can participate in the online survey by following this link.
Survey results will be reported in the NARBA newsletter. For more information about the survey, contact Daniel Tregeagle (tregeagle@ncsu.edu or 919-515-6091). For more information about the North American caneberry industry, contact NARBA Executive Secretary Debby Wechsler (raspberryblackberry@gmail.com or 919-542-4037).
For story, see caneberry survey.