Irrigation Tax Credit for Alabama Farmers

Web AdminAlabama, Industry News Release, Irrigation

(ACES) — Some Alabama farmers could see a break on their taxes thanks to a new tax credit. This credit allows farmers to count certain costs associated with irrigation — including fuel conversions, equipment and reservoirs — on their income taxes. Qualification Only qualified irrigations systems or reservoirs are eligible for the tax credit. Producers must have filled out an …

ADAI Now Accepting Applications for the 2020 Industrial Hemp Program

Web AdminAlabama, Hemp, Industry News Release

The Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries (ADAI) is now accepting hemp applications from eligible growers, processors/handlers and universities. The application period began Oct. 7, and the final day to apply is Nov. 14. In 2016, the Alabama Legislature passed the Alabama Industrial Hemp Research Program Act, Section 2-8-380 Code of Alabama 1975, tasking ADAI with the development of a …

‘A Big Leap in the Insect-Monitoring World’

Web AdminAlabama, Pests, Top Posts

All insect management usually begins with some sort of monitoring technique. Traditionally, growers have used sticky wing traps or bucket traps. But, according to Ayanava Majumdar, entomologist with the Alabama Cooperative Extension system, there are insect-monitoring technologies that could be helpful to growers. Majumdar says that there are two automated insect traps on the market right now that he has …

SmartIrrigation Apps Improve Water-Use Efficiency

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Research, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine, Water

By Vasileios Liakos and George Vellidis Ample water is a critical input needed to grow high-yielding, high-quality crops. Today, irrigated agriculture represents 20 percent of the total cultivated land, but contributes 40 percent of the total food produced worldwide. Due to overuse, droughts and growing demand by urban and industrial users, competition for available fresh water supplies is rapidly increasing. …

Preparing for Farm Technology

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, innovation, Technology, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

The world of artificial intelligence, robots and big data is upon us, and agriculture will not be left out. Nobody knows this better than Vonnie Estes, vice president of technology at the Produce Marketing Association (PMA). Her job is to work with farmers nationwide to help them learn how to adopt such technologies. Estes also serves as a resource for …

Alfa Awards Honor Researchers, Extension Specialists For Helping Farmers

Web AdminAlabama, Industry News Release, Top Posts

Alabama Farmers Federation – The Alabama Farmers Federation honored two Auburn University (AU) and Extension professionals for work tangibly affecting farmers and agriculture with inaugural Alfa Awards, presented before hundreds of growers at the Commodity Producers Conference in Chattanooga Aug. 1. Dr. Kim Mullenix received the Alfa Award For Production Agriculture & Forestry Research, while Dr. Ayanava Majumdar earned the …

Southeastern Growers Unite at USMCA Meeting

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Top Posts, USMCA

On July 30, farmers and industry leaders from throughout the Southeast gathered in Lake City, Florida, to discuss the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and the lack of protection for Southeastern produce growers struggling to keep up with heavy Mexican competition. “The fight is real,” said Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried in an exclusive interview with AgNet Media Founder and President …

Sneak Peek: August 2019 VSCNews Magazine

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

The August issue of VSCNews magazine explores the latest technology and surrounding issues facing the modern grower. Yiannis Ampatzidis, assistant professor with the University of Florida (UF), discusses up-and-coming smart sprayer technology. He breaks down how the technology works and how it could help growers cut costs. Water is one of the most important ingredients to a healthy crop and …

Be on the Lookout for These Summer Pests

Web AdminAlabama, Pests, Top Posts

Pests are relentless on crops all season long. However, during the hot summers, there are a few specific insects southeastern growers should be on the lookout for. Ayanava Majumdar, Extension entomologist with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, recently collected data from sticky wing traps in the field. He reports that he found high levels of moths. Majumdar says the traps …