Georgia Blueberries Expected Sooner Than Normal

Web AdminBlueberries, Georgia

By Clint Thompson Georgia blueberries are expected to be ready for harvest earlier than normal this year. One producer believes it is due to the warm temperatures the region experienced in February. Albert Wildes, who operates 50 acres in Alma, Georgia, said harvests should begin within the next two weeks for his crop. “I have not started harvesting. There’s just …

UF/IFAS Receiving Favorable Comments with Blueberry Growers Guide App

Web AdminBlueberries, Florida

By Clint Thompson The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Blueberry Growers Guide phone app has drawn rave reviews from the people who need it the most – Florida’s blueberry producers. Doug Phillips, UF/IFAS blueberry Extension coordinator at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, discussed the app, which started a couple of years ago. “I …

Blueberry Rust a Problem Throughout the Year for Florida Growers

Web AdminBlueberries, Disease

By Clint Thompson One blueberry disease continues to surface to the top of concerns for Florida growers. Leaf rust is an ongoing problem that plagues production throughout the state, says Phil Harmon, professor and Extension plant pathologist at the University of Florida. “In evergreen production, rust has still been an issue. The dry weather has reduced it compared to last …

Florida Blueberry Harvest Window Extended This Year

Web AdminBlueberries, Florida

By Clint Thompson Florida’s blueberry harvest season is under way and projected to last well into May, says grower Ryan Atwood. The Christmas freeze event and subsequent sub-freezing temperatures in early January contributed to the state having a longer harvest window this year. “It looks like a good crop. It’s pretty spread out and not very concentrated. All over the …

Blueberry Producers Hoping to Dodge Late-Season Freeze Event

Web AdminBlueberries

By Clint Thompson Late spring freeze events have become predictable across the Southeast. Unfortunately, that has not been good news for the region’s blueberry producers. Blueberries are susceptible to sub-freezing temperatures this time of year. They are starting to bear fruit and are on the cusp of another harvest season. The danger has intensified in recent years as bushes bloom …

Florida Blueberry Harvests Should Begin Soon

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By Clint Thompson Blueberry harvests are only days away for some growers in Florida. Location will determine when producers will start harvesting fruit, believes Doug Phillips, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) blueberry Extension coordinator. “Some places will start picking early March, depending on the location. Some of the South Florida farms that didn’t have a …

Florida Blueberry Harvests Should Begin Soon

Web AdminBlueberries

By Clint Thompson Blueberry harvests are only days away for some growers in Florida. Location will determine when producers will start harvesting fruit, believes Doug Phillips, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) blueberry Extension coordinator. “Some places will start picking early March, depending on the location. Some of the South Florida farms that didn’t have a …

Blueberry Alert: Better to be Proactive Instead of Reactive When Managing Fruit Rots

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By Clint Thompson Disease management is crucial to blueberry growers producing a viable crop. But producers need to know what diseases are problematic in their fields. “Scouting is critical to know what diseases you have and also to know what diseases you’ve had in the past. That’s often a good predictor of what you’re going to have in the future. …

IFAS Blueberry Management Tips

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Florida blueberry growers are just a few weeks away from harvest season. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences offers growers management tips for this point in the season. Producers should monitor for botrytis and apply control measures as needed. Any applications of fungicides prior to a need for overhead irrigation as freeze protection can help reduce disease …