Fusarium Wilt Management in Watermelons

Web AdminFlorida, Top Posts, Watermelon

By Karla Arboleda Watermelons this season have suffered through the hot weather, and researchers in Jackson County, Florida, have been seeing mixed results with fusarium wilt management. Josh Freeman, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences associate professor of horticultural sciences, works on how to deal with the watermelon disease. “It’s really the primary soilborne disease that growers …

2019 Legislative Sessions Wrap-Up

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Legislative, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

The 2019 legislative sessions in Florida, Georgia and Alabama have officially ended. Each year, agriculture advocates from all three states work tirelessly to fight for their industry. This article serves as a summary of how agriculture fared in the Florida, Georgia and Alabama sessions. Florida: Some Success, but More Work to Be Done By Adam Basford Going into the 2019 …

Providing Hemp Information

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Hemp, Top Posts

As hemp hype continues to grow, finding correct information about the crop can be a difficult task. In a recent interview, CEO of Green Point Research David Hasenauer discusses the nitty-gritty of growing hemp and hemp regulations with AgNewsWire’s Cindy Zimmerman. Listen to the full interview: Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, …

Beneath the Earth, the ‘Black Box’ of Soil Holds a Key to Crop Growth

Web AdminFlorida, Industry News Release, Research, Soil, Vegetables

IMMOKALEE, Fla. (UF/IFAS) — Like much of what lies just beneath the earth’s surface, soil microbes present a mystery. University of Florida scientist Sarah Strauss seeks to help untangle the web of intrigue surrounding soil microbes to improve agricultural production in Florida and globally. “There are microbial activities going on that we don’t exactly understand. It’s known as the ‘black …


Solutions Sought for Algae Woes

Web AdminFlorida, Industry News Release, Water

TALLAHASSEE (NSF) — Experts looking into toxic algae outbreaks that have exploded in state waterways want to know if anyone has a proven, innovative cleanup strategy that can be used. And they want to know quickly. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is formally accepting information through July 15 on ways to prevent, combat or clean up harmful algal blooms …

Florida Strawberries Support Latest UF Studies on USMCA

Web AdminExports/Imports, Florida, Fruit, Industry News Release, Strawberry, Top Posts, Trade

The following information was written by the Florida Strawberry Growers Association and expresses that organization’s views. DOVER, Fla. (FSGA) – The significance of the latest studies from the University of Florida/IFAS cannot be understated as they confirm what Florida growers have been saying for years about the negative impacts of subsidized fruit and vegetable imports from Mexico during our winter …

Commissioner Nikki Fried on Florida Hemp Bill Signed Into Law

Web AdminFlorida, Hemp, Industry News Release

Tallahassee, Fla. (FDACS) – SB 1020, the state hemp legislation was signed into law. Commissioner Nicole “Nikki” Fried offered the following statement: “Tonight’s hemp bill signing marks a transformation in Florida, and a critical step on the journey to creating a green industrial revolution, strengthening agriculture with an alternative crop of the future, and expanding access to safe, quality CBD …

Final Hemp Rulemaking Workshop Held in North Florida

Web AdminFlorida, Hemp, Industry News Release

Tallahassee, Fla. (FDACS) – Commissioner Nicole “Nikki” Fried joined key Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services officials to host the third public hemp rulemaking workshop at the R.A. Gray Building in Tallahassee. Today’s workshop was the third and final in a series of three events which took place in South, Central, and North Florida designed to ensure anyone interested in …

Second Hemp Rulemaking Workshop Held in Central Florida

Web AdminFlorida, Hemp, Industry News Release, Top Posts

Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried joined key Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) officials to host the second public hemp rulemaking workshop at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. “The goal of these workshops is to hear from the public on the coming state hemp program — to create a successful and inclusive program. It’s essential that we …