Chilli Thrips Emerging Pest to Georgia Blueberries

Clint ThompsonBlueberries, Georgia

By Clint Thompson Chilli thrips are emerging as a serious threat to blueberry production in Georgia. Ash Sial, University of Georgia entomologist, discussed the pest with AgNet Media at the Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference in Savannah, Georgia. “It is the most emerging issue. Our key issue is spotted wing drosophila, but thrips are becoming as complex; one of …

Citrus Trees Weather Sub-Freezing Nights

Clint ThompsonAlabama, Citrus, Florida, Georgia

By Clint Thompson Trees in the Cold-Hardy Citrus Region weathered last week’s multiple nights of sub-freezing temperatures, according to one industry expert. “I had somebody here at the house and they said, ‘Are you still running sprinklers?’ I was like, ‘Heavens no, but it’s all that ice thawing out and running out into the road.’ It’s a pond out there …

Under the Microscope: Melon Growers Should Consult Extension When Diagnosing Disease

Clint ThompsonGeorgia

By Clint Thompson Anthracnose and downy mildew provide similar disease symptoms in watermelons. Producers should be careful in self-diagnosing the potential disease in their crops this season. Bhabesh Dutta, University of Georgia Extension vegetable plant pathologist, implores growers to consult Extension personnel when deducing what problem they might have. A wrong diagnosis could have financial repercussions. “What we recommend is …

GFVGA Executive Director Hoping for New Farm Bill by End of First Quarter

Clint ThompsonGeorgia

By Clint Thompson A new farm bill could be introduced sooner rather than later. At least, that’s the hope shared by Chris Butts, executive director of the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA). “We are hopeful that you may see some texts in the latter part of the first quarter, February-March. We’re hopeful on that,” Butts said. “If you …

Peach Production: Fungicide Preservation Key in Brown Rot Management

Clint ThompsonGeorgia, Peaches

By Clint Thompson Fungicide preservation is the key for peach producers in managing brown rot disease long term. DMI fungicides have already been compromised to some extent. Growers need to ensure other fungicide classes don’t fall victim as well, says Phil Brannen, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension fruit disease specialist. “The bottom line is we’ve got some new products coming …

Vidalia Onion Crop Producing Excellent Plant Stands So Far

Clint ThompsonGeorgia, Onion

By Clint Thompson Georgia’s Vidalia onion crop is progressing nicely with strong plant stands, believes Chris Tyson, University of Georgia (UGA) Extension area onion agent at the Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center in Lyons, Georgia. “Right now, we have a good-looking crop. So far, going out and looking at fields, I’m seeing really good plant stands everywhere. On everybody’s …

Georgia Peach Producer: Quality of Chill Hours Has Been Good

Clint ThompsonGeorgia, Peaches

By Clint Thompson This year’s Georgia peach crop is off to a strong start with regards to chill hours. How the early months of spring will affect this year’s crop remains to be seen, however, says peach producer Lee Dickey. “I think we’ve had a cool fall in our area and started to accumulate a good amount of chill, and …

Increased Rains Putting Pressure on Producers Needing to Apply Plastic

Clint ThompsonGeorgia

By Clint Thompson Increased rainfall during December and January is placing added pressure on producers trying to prepare for their spring plantings. If conditions stay saturated, growers will be unable to complete time-sensitive tasks, says Ty Torrance, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable agent for Colquitt, Tift and Worth counties. “I spoke with a couple of different growers (last Wednesday) …

Pecan Production Meetings to Be Offered Across Georgia

Clint ThompsonGeorgia, Pecan

By Clint Thompson Georgia pecan producers should make plans to attend one of the production meetings held over the next couple of months across pecan-producing counties. The meetings are hosted by University of Georgia Extension, including pecan specialist Lenny Wells. “Like all of the commodity meetings that the university does every year, we just go from county to county to …

Georgia Ag Forecast Scheduled for Jan. 26

Clint ThompsonGeorgia

By Clint Thompson Registration is ongoing for the upcoming Georgia Ag Forecast event, scheduled for Friday, Jan. 26 at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia. Growers and industry leaders are invited to come here about the latest research and information from UGA specialists to help agriculture remain the state’s No. 1 industry. Ben Campbell, associate …