By Clint Thompson The inevitable has finally happened in the Southeast; whitefly populations are on the rise. It was bound to happen considering the prolonged hot and dry weather conditions being experienced across the region. “I think it’s still probably localized, but yeah, there are some fields, if you start getting squash coming up, it just pulls them in like …
Algal Stem Blotch Observed on Georgia Blueberry
Various instances of algal stem blotch on blueberry have been reported in Georgia in recent days, according to the University of Georgia Blueberry Blog. Growers should be aware that since the disease is caused by an alga rather than a fungus, it is highly unlikely that fungicides will be an effective management option. University of Florida recommendations suggest that sprays …
Georgia’s Pecan Crop Estimate Remains a Question Mark
By Clint Thompson Estimating this year’s pecan crop in Georgia is easier said than done. That’s why Lenny Wells, University of Georgia Extension pecan specialist, steers clear when making such predictions. Various factors can impact the crop between now and harvest time. It is compounded by the expected increase in the number of young trees coming online this year. “Giving …
Yellow-Legged Hornet a Threat to Agriculture
By Clint Thompson The presence of the yellow-legged hornet in Georgia has specialty crop producers in the Southeast on high alert. Their presence is a threat to the region’s honey bee population and subsequent crops that rely on honey bees for pollination, explains Katelyn Kesheimer, Auburn University assistant professor and Extension specialist. “Similar to what people were calling the murder …
GFVGA Advises Growers to Be Prepared for New Heat Stress Regulations
The Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA) is encouraging its growers to be prepared for new heat regulations administered by the Biden Administration and OSHA. “OSHA has not yet released complete heat standards, but now is the time to get prepared,” GFVGA said in an email to its members. Producers can download the heat stress awareness poster and hang …
Georgia Department of Agriculture Makes Appointments to the Agriculture Commodity Commissions
Atlanta, GA – Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper has announced appointments to 13 of Georgia’s Agriculture Commodity Commissions, including for several specialty crops. The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) administers the farmer-funded and self-help programs. Funds collected by the commissions under grower-approved market orders support that research, education, and promotion of each commodity. “As a 7th generation farmer, I know firsthand …
UGA to Host Vidalia Onion Production Meeting
Georgia’s Vidalia onion producers should mark their calendars for the annual production meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 6. The meeting will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and be held at the University of Georgia (UGA) Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center. Attendees will receive updates on disease management, storage trials, flavor research and fertility trials. Anyone with …
Georgia’s Summer Weather: Mostly Wetter and Hotter
By Clint Thompson Summer is winding down across the Southeast. Georgia’s specialty crop producers will remember this year to be a mostly wet and hot summer, though, those conditions vary throughout the state. The increased rainfall caused tremendous scab pressure in some pecan orchards. The heat also reduced potential harvests for some of the watermelons produced. Pam Knox, University of …
Georgia Pecan Referendum Passes
By Clint Thompson The approved referendum for the Georgia Pecan Commission will help further the state’s status as a leader in pecan production. Lenny Wells, University of Georgia Extension pecan specialist, explains why the referendum passing at 82.7% is a win for Georgia’s industry. “The pecan industry, compared to most other crops, we are still in the dark ages as …
Fungal Pathogen Impacting Primarily Stuart Pecan Variety
By Clint Thompson University of Georgia (UGA) Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells cautions growers about a fungal pathogen that primarily affects Stuart varieties. Wells noted in the UGA Extension Pecan Blog about leaf drop that is associated with a dying or browning of the terminal leaflets of compound leaves which progresses backward toward the base of the leaf. It eventually …