Brian Kemp is nuts about pecans. So is the rest of Georgia for that matter. Just call Georgia the “Pecan State.” Georgia’s Governor designated the pecan as Georgia’s official state nut on Friday at an event at Ellis Brothers Pecans in Vienna. According to the USDA Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook, Georgia reclaimed the status as the largest pecan producer …
The Pecan State: Georgia Once Again Top Producer with 142 Million Pounds
Georgia is no longer second fiddle when it comes to pecan production. According to the USDA Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook, Georgia is once again the largest pecan producer after being bested by New Mexico the previous two years. Production rose 95% to 142 million pounds last year. It is showing signs of recovery from Hurricane Michael in 2018. Statewide …
Still a Shock: Alabama Pecan Producers Moving Forward Following ’20 Storms
Not a day goes by that Alabama Extension Research Associate Bryan Wilkins doesn’t think about the impact two hurricanes had on his area’s pecan crop in 2020. “I think about it every day. Personally, cleaning up around my house, I’m still cleaning up dang mess around my house. I only had a few oak trees down around me. But then …
Breaking Ground: Pecan Trees More Effective in Planted Early
Pecan planting season has come and gone for most producers. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells believes farmers who planted their trees in early February are more likely to succeed compared to producers who planted their trees later, or in mid-March. Data from 2020 research supports his belief. “It confirmed what I had been seeing. Those that …
Pecan Producers Be Wary of Phylloxera
There’s beginning to be budbreak in pecan orchards throughout the Southeast. As trees start to break dormancy, producers need to begin protecting their crop from one pest who impacts trees this time of year, says Lenny Wells, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist. “We’re just starting to see it now. This is the time they need to (spray), if …
QLA Deadline: Pecan Producers Reminded of April 9 Date
Pecan producers still recovering from Hurricane Michael have three weeks to apply for the Quality Loss Adjustment (QLA) Program. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s decision to extend the deadline from March 5 to April 9 allows farmers extra time to apply for a program that is assisting producers who suffered crop quality losses due to qualifying natural disasters in the …
Pecan Pest: Ambrosia Beetles Are Active
A main insect pest of pecan trees is active right now. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialist Lenny Wells cautions producers that Asian Ambrosia beetles are active in young pecan trees. Beetle activity has been reported from Cook County, Fort Valley and different sites in Eastern Georgia, according to the UGA Pecan Extension Blog. Activity will only increase as temperatures …
Pecan Nominations: Deadline for Promotion Board is March 26
Attention pecan producers who are interested in serving on the American Pecan Promotion Board. The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is seeking nominations for pecan growers. The deadline is Friday, March 26. Eligibility requirements include that producers and importers must have produced or imported more than 50,000 pounds of inshell pecans or 25,000 pounds of …
Knowing Nitrogen: How Much Should Pecan Producers Apply?
One of University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells’ points of emphasis this winter has been the need for growers to cut costs, not corners amid low prices. One way to do that is by considering how much nitrogen is needed and in what form. Wells provides insight for growers who need to save money every chance they …
QLA Deadline: Pecan Producers Reminded to Sign Up
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells encourages producers to apply for the Quality Loss Adjustment (QLA) program. The deadline for the USDA program, which provides assistance to farmers who suffered eligible losses due to natural disasters in 2018 and 2019, is Friday, March 5. Wells reminded growers of the program in the UGA Pecan Extension blog. Hurricane …