Program Vows to Create Peach Variety Ideal for the Lower Coastal Plain

Web AdminPeaches, Research, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

A program based in Byron, Georgia, is working on developing peach varieties perfect for the lower coastal plain. Now, the lower coastal plain consists of growers in South Georgia and a few in North Florida. However, according to Tom Beckman, U.S. Department of Agriculture research horticulturist, this industry could grow tremendously. He says it has the potential to stretch through …

Putting Florida Peaches in the Spotlight

Web AdminPeaches, Stone Fruit, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

Believe it or not, many consumers and retailers do not know that peaches are grown in Florida. However, thanks to a Specialty Crop Block Grant, the Florida Specialty Crop Foundation (FSCF) and Fresh From Florida (FFF) are working to raise awareness of Florida peaches. FSCF initially received the grant in 2017. After two successful seasons, the grant has been extended …

Selecting Herbicides for Stone Fruit

Web AdminPeaches, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick With perennial crops such as stone fruits, growers are limited in their weed management options because they can’t choose practices like crop rotation. Therefore, selection of proper herbicides is critical for effective weed control. Peter Dittmar, assistant professor with the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, specializes in weed …

Rootstock Addresses Peach Disease Issues

Web AdminPeaches, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick MP-29 is a hybrid plum-peach rootstock that was created to give peach growers another weapon in the disease-fighting toolbox. Tom Beckman, a U.S. Department of Agriculture research horticulturist, discussed MP-29 at the recent Stone Fruit Field Day in Citra, Florida. MP-29 is the most recent rootstock release from Beckman’s breeding program. Beckman created MP-29 because growers needed …

Managing Scales in Peach Orchards

Web AdminPeaches, Pests, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Cory Penca, a Ph.D. candidate as well as a student in the Doctor of Plant Medicine program at the University of Florida, recently presented at the Stone Fruit Field Day in Citra, Florida. His presentation covered basic pest management tactics for scales, among many other pests of peaches. Scales are difficult to manage because they have a …

Two-Spotted Spider Mite Management

Web AdminPeaches, Pests, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Cory Penca, a speaker at the recent Stone Fruit Field Day, covered lots of pests that are potentially devastating to peach growers. Penca is an entomology Ph.D. candidate and a student in the Doctor of Plant Medicine Program at the University of Florida. The last pest he discussed at the event was the two-spotted spider mite. Mites …

Plum Curculio Management in Peaches

Web AdminPeaches, Pests, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Cory Penca, an entomology Ph.D. candidate and a student  in the Doctor of Plant Medicine program at the University of Florida, gave a presentation at the recent Stone Fruit Field Day on managing key pests of peaches in Florida. Plum curculio was one of several pests he discussed. Plum curculio is a type of weevil that doesn’t …

Pointers for Peachtree Borer Management

Web AdminPeaches, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Cory Penca, entomology Ph.D. candidate and a student in the Doctor of Plant Medicine Program at the University of Florida, recently spoke to growers about peach pests at the Stone Fruit Field Day in Citra, Florida. One of the many pests he discussed was peachtree borers. Peachtree borers are moth species. There’s two different species, lesser peachtree …

Managing Stink Bugs on Peaches

Web AdminPeaches, Pests, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick At the recent Stone Fruit Field Day, Cory Penca gave a presentation on managing key pests of peaches in Florida. Penca is an entomology Ph.D. candidate and a student in the Doctor of Plant Medicine program at the University of Florida. His presentation covered stink bugs, Caribbean fruit flies, plum curculio and mites.  Penca’s pest management practices …


FDACS Begins Efforts to Eradicate Exotic Fruit Fly

Web AdminEnvironment, Fruit, Industry News Release, Produce, Stone Fruit, Vegetables

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) has positively identified the presence of three Oriental fruit flies, Bactrocera dorsalis, in south Miami-Dade County. The initial fly was discovered during routine trapping, and additional flies were discovered during expanded trapping activities. The department, along with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, monitors more than 56,000 fruit fly traps statewide as an …