By Clint Thompson
It is never too early to start thinking about the upcoming Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference, scheduled for Jan. 6-9, 2022, in Savannah, Georgia; especially since it will be an in-person event next year.
The annual meeting was held virtually this past January due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. However, Charles Hall, executive director of the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA), insists the event will be held in person in 2022.
“There is nothing like having an in-person meeting. Our fruit and vegetable board has committed that, unless there is some drastic issue that is causing us not to be able to meet in Savannah, we will be in Savannah in January. If we have to limit the attendance or if we have to limit the number of exhibitors, we’ll do that,” Hall said.
“But right now, we’re planning to have a normal conference in January. It gives growers the opportunity to talk with others and talk with vendors and talk to Extension agents. They will learn more about how to better grow their fruits and vegetables.”
A registration link will be coming soon.