USDA Survey to Help Forecast 2023 Pecan Crop

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Pecan producers in Georgia, Alabama and other producing states will receive a survey in the mail in late September from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Information generated from the survey will help forecast pecan production for the upcoming season. “The pecan industry is an important part of U.S. agriculture, especially in Georgia, and it is …

And the Survey Says: Vegetable Producers Sound Off on Pesticide, Fertilizer Use

Web AdminUSDA

The U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)-Agricultural Chemical Use Survey collected date about pesticide and fertilizer use from vegetable producers in 2022. NASS administered the survey among growers in 17 states, and three vegetables were highlighted. These include snap beans, squash and sweet corn. Nitrogen was the most widely used nutrient for all the three featured crops, …

Changes Noted in Florida Citrus Forecast

Web AdminCitrus Crop Forecast

With the 2022–23 season harvest virtually completed for all varieties, the June citrus forecast for Florida had several slight changes. The Florida orange and grapefruit forecasts each climbed 1% from May, while the tangerines/tangelos forecast dropped 2%. Forecasts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS) were unchanged for Arizona, California and Texas. FLORIDA ORANGESFlorida’s all-orange …

Florida Citrus Forecast Sees Positive Move in Challenged Season

Web AdminCitrus, Citrus Crop Forecast

The Florida 2022–23 all-orange forecast inched up 1% in March to 16.1 million boxes while the grapefruit forecast rose 7% to 1.6 million boxes. The U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS) forecast for Florida tangerines and tangelos was unchanged at 500,000 boxes.    The entire rise of 100,000 boxes in the orange forecast was in the …

USDA NASS Updates Vegetable Production for 2022

Web AdminVegetables

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducted a 2022 vegetable grower inquiry. It found that the nation’s production for 26 estimated vegetable and melon crops totaled 658 million cwt, down 2% from 2021. The three largest crops were tomatoes, onions and sweet corn, which combined for 53% of all vegetables produced. The value of utilized …

Still Time to Respond to 2022 Census of Agriculture

Web AdminSpecialty Crops

WASHINGTON – Specialty crop producers still have time to be counted in the 2022 Census of Agriculture, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Although the deadline for submitting the ag census has passed, NASS will continue to accept completed census questionnaires through the spring. It will ensure all farmers and ranchers take advantage …

USDA NASS Conducting Hemp Survey

Web AdminHemp

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service is conducting a hemp survey. It sent out the Hemp Production and Disposition Inquiry to almost 1,600 growers across the Southeast, including Alabama, Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. This followed NASS’s 2021 Hemp Acreage and Production survey. Like the 2021 questionnaire, this year’s survey will collect information on the total planted …

USDA Citrus Forecast Drops Again

Web AdminCitrus Crop Forecast

Florida citrus crops, already at historically low levels, were forecast Jan. 12 to fall even lower. The all-orange forecast fell 10% from the December projection. The grapefruit and tangerine/tangelo forecasts both tumbled 17%. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS). If realized, the orange, grapefruit and tangerine/tangelo crops will be 56%, …

USDA NASS Highlights Organic Production with Recent Survey

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WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released the results of the 2021 Organic Survey, which show total sales of $11.2 billion in organic products, an increase of $1.28 billion, or 13%, from 2019. There were also 17,445 certified organic farms, a 5% increase from 2019. “The continual rise in interest for updated organics data …

2022 Census of Agriculture Underway

Web AdminUSDA

WASHINGTON â€“ The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) mailed the 2022 Census of Agriculture paper questionnaires to all known agriculture producers across the nation and Puerto Rico in mid-December. Last month, producers in the states received their survey codes with an invitation to respond online. Any producer who did not respond online now has the option to complete the ag census …