By Clint Thompson
The December issue of VSCNews Magazine highlights the Florida Ag Expo, which was held on Nov. 18 at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in Wimauma, Florida.
Various topics like artificial intelligence, best management practices, disease and pest management tips, field tours and a trade show highlighted the Expo’s return following last year’s cancellation due to COVID-19.
Also included in the magazine are updated recommendations for peach orchard establishment. Dario Chavez, associate professor at the University of Georgia Griffin campus, discusses the impact of drought on peach production, as well as nutrient requirements.
Craig Frey, Hendry County Extension director and Southwest Florida commercial vegetable Extension agent for UF/IFAS, points out the fundamentals of plant production, which include pH, irrigation and nutrient management.
Doug Phillips, a blueberry Extension coordinator at the UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in Wimauma, Florida; and Jeff Williamson, a UF/IFAS professor in Gainesville, Florida, provide tips on fertilizing blueberries in pine bark beds.
UGA professors Juan Carlos Diaz-Perez and Tim Coolong, and Sudeep Bag, assistant professor, talk about heat management strategies for tomatoes in high tunnel production.
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