‘If I Take Care of the Land, the Land’s Going to Take Care of Me’

Web AdminFlorida, Strawberry, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

A Florida strawberry grower went above and beyond to be a steward of the land, earning the 4R Advocate Award. Agricultural producers pride themselves on being stewards of the land. Dustin Grooms, farm manager of Fancy Farms, is an excellent example of that. Grooms is a 2019 recipient of the 4R Advocate Award. This national award is given to five …

UGA Study Shows NAFTA Impact

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Legislative, NAFTA, Top Posts, USMCA

A new study from the University of Georgia (UGA) breaks down the impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on the Southeast’s fruit and vegetable industries. Southeastern growers and industry groups have been very vocal about the negative impacts of NAFTA. With the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (the NAFTA rewrite) coming down the pipeline, the industry continues to speak …


Lawmakers Try to Set Stage for Hemp Industry

Web AdminFlorida, Hemp, Industry News Release

Moving quickly after the passage of a federal law, the Florida Legislature on Friday gave final approval to a bill aimed at creating an industrial-hemp industry in the state. Senators voted 39-0 to pass the bill (SB 1020), after the House approved it in a 112-1 vote Wednesday. The bill is ready to go to Gov. Ron DeSantis. The state …


Commissioner Nikki Fried on Florida Hemp Bill Passage

Web AdminFlorida, Hemp, Industry News Release

The Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill 1020, establishing a state hemp program within the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The historic vote comes after the 2018 federal Farm Bill removed prohibitions on industrial hemp in place since 1937 and authorized states to create hemp programs. Commissioner Nicole “Nikki” Fried, a noted advocate for hemp, cannabis, and medical marijuana, offered the following statement: “Today’s …

Managing Nematodes in Peaches

Web AdminFlorida, Peaches, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Alison DeLoach Nematodes are known to cause severe damage to growers’ crops in Florida. Don Dickson, a nematologist at the University of Florida (UF), has spent his career helping growers manage nematodes. At a Peach Field Day on April 30 held by the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Dickson presented nematode research. In Florida, there are four …

Teaching the Next Generation About Aquaculture

Web AdminFlorida, Top Posts

By Eric Cassiano Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing agricultural sectors. As the need for aquaculture increases, the opportunity for several careers develops. Many K-12 schools have identified and addressed this growing need by implementing aquaculture within their curriculums. Island Coast High School (ICHS) in Lee County has one of the largest K-12 aquaculture programs in Florida.  It all …

Bags Protect and Improve Peaches

Web AdminFlorida, Georgia, Organic, Peaches, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By David Campbell and Danielle Treadwell Peach growers have rediscovered a tool to add to their integrated pest and disease management toolbox — a unique paper bag. Easy to install and remove, the bag has extra durability to withstand wind and rain throughout the season. And if our data is consistent with previous observations, bagging may be affordable for many …

Preparing for the Florida Ag Expo

Web AdminFlorida, Florida Ag Expo, Top Posts

Planning for the 2019 Florida Ag Expo (FAE) is well underway. This week, the FAE seminar planning committee met to brainstorm ideas for the educational program. Attendees will have the opportunity to earn continuing education units and receive updates on the latest cutting-edge research from the University of Florida (UF). The AgNet Media team that manages FAE met with UF …

water quality

Ag’s Past Water Quality Successes Not in Today’s SFWMD “Discussion”

Web AdminFlorida, Lake Okeechobee, Water

Areas north of Lake Okeechobee can expect increased attention as debates about water-quality issues and who should do what about them continue in South Florida. At a gathering about the Lake Okeechobee Watershed Protection Plan (LOWPP) Thursday in Okeechobee, it became apparent that the vast investments the area’s farmers, ranchers and dairy producers have been making in water-quality projects for …


Lawmakers Look to Hemp as New Industry While Vegetable Gardens Head to House Floor

Web AdminFlorida, Hemp, Industry News Release, Vegetables

With supporters pointing to the potential of a new industry, a House committee Thursday approved a plan for regulating production of hemp. The bill (HB 333), approved by the House State Affairs Committee, would create a regulatory framework that would be administered by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, which is led by Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, a …