Contact: USDA PressEmail: (Washington, D.C., July 1, 2020) – Today, The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) enters into force, replacing the decades-old NAFTA. USMCA is a better deal for America’s farmers, consumers and workers that will set them up for success for decades to come. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue penned an oped in the North Carolina Fayetteville Observer …
Root Borers a Danger to Grapes in the Southeast
By Clint Thompson The time is now for grape producers to protect their crop against the grape root borer, said Brett Blaauw, assistant professor in the Department of Entomology at the University of Georgia. He said usually in north Georgia, the grape root borers will emerge in early July. According to the UGA Extension Viticulture Blog, if farmers have not …
Shriveled blueberries could signal “mummy berry” disease
By Paul Pugliese for CAES News Blueberries are one of the most popular backyard fruits for Georgia because they are relatively low maintenance compared to other fruit species. However, there is one particular disease issue known as “mummy berry” that can be problematic for blueberry growers. The disease is easily recognized when the fruit begins to ripen, as infected berries …
Watch Out for Green June Beetle in Fruit Crops
Elina Coneva, Extension Specialist & Professor at Auburn University, said now is the time for fruit crop producers to scout for adult Green June beetle emergence. According to the Extension News Release, the beetles are considered a serious pest and can injure fruits of numerous crops including grapes, apple, pear, quince, plum, apricot, peach, nectarine, blackberry and raspberry. Adult beetles …
Food Safety in Light of COVID-19
With millions of American workers staying home to aid public health efforts to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the security of America’s food supply is more important than ever before. It’s crucial that growers are taking the appropriate measures to ensure food safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Department of …
Watermelon Prices High, Supply Low
By Clint Thompson Watermelon prices remain high for farmers in the Southeast. Unfortunately, there’s not enough crop ready for producers to take advantage, according to Bill Brim, co-owner of Lewis Taylor Farms in Tifton, Georgia. “Prices are still good. They’re around $155 to $160 a bin. There’s not many melons out there that’s ready right now. It’s unfortunate,” said Brim, …
USMCA Set to Enter Into Force July 1
By Clint Thompson Wednesday, July 1 marks a new era for North American Trade. The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) will enter into force July 1. But according to economists and industry leaders, the agreement still does not provide much protection for vegetable and specialty crop producers. Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association President Mike Joyner: “When Congress passed USMCA, we unfortunately …
Sneak Peek: July 2020 VSCNews Magazine
By: Ashley Robinson The July issue of VSCNews magazine focuses on a variety of topics, including machine harvesting of blueberries, strawberry pests and diseases and technology for vegetable production. Blueberry growers and packers are adopting the latest innovations and technology to reduce harvesting costs and put less reliance on contract laborers. Fumiomi Takeda, a research horticulturalist with the United States …
Bacterial Spot Leaving Mark in Tomato Crops
By Clint Thompson Bacterial spot in tomatoes has been observed in various locations in Alabama, according to Ed Sikora, professor and Extension plant pathologist in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at Auburn University. He believes the excess rainfall and abnormal temperatures contributed to the disease being more problematic this year. “I think this year with the moisture we’ve …
Covered in Cover Crops
By Emily Cabrera for UGA CAES News University of Georgia researchers are working on natural solutions to weed problems in row crops as government regulations of chemical herbicides grow stricter. Earlier in June, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals pulled registrations for the use of all dicamba products for row-crop production. The herbicide, which has been around since the …