By Clint Thompson Insect populations are down across the Southeast. The deluge of recent rainfall has stalled the whitefly numbers, while other insects have also not been able to find footing so far this spring, says Stormy Sparks, University of Georgia (UGA) Cooperative Extension vegetable entomologist. “This is the time of year where squash bugs will come out after overwintering, …
Peachy Comeback: Georgia Fruit Set for Bumper Crop After Disastrous Season
Fort Valley, GA — Georgia Peaches are poised to kick off an unprecedented run through produce departments and farmer’s markets across North America. The signature sweet taste of Georgia’s legendary fruit was missed last season, and the Georgia Peach Council is excited to be back with a record-breaking crop of sweet Georgia peaches. Industry optimism is based on a full winter …
Pay Attention: Pecan Nut Casebearer a Concern for Southeast Producers
By Clint Thompson The time is now for Southeast pecan producers to pay attention to pecan nut casebearer, a pest that can devastate pecan trees if left unchecked. Apurba Barman, University of Georgia (UGA) Extension pecan entomologist, noted in the UGA Pecan Blog that the tiny nutlets on the trees’ terminal branches are exposed to feeding by the casebearer caterpillars. …
Georgia Ag Commissioner Harper, Agribusiness Leaders Explore Emerging Indian Market
Atlanta, GA – Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper, Georgia Grown staff, and several Georgia agribusinesses visited New Delhi, India, in April on an agribusiness trade mission sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service. The trade mission was led by USDA Under Secretary for Trade & Foreign Affairs Alexis M. Taylor and included representatives from 47 U.S.-based …
Downy Mildew Disease Observed in South Georgia Cucurbit Field
By Clint Thompson Georgia cucurbit producers should be aware that downy mildew disease has been detected in a cucumber field in Echols County. Bhabesh Dutta, University of Georgia (UGA) Extension vegetable plant pathologist, noted the observation in the UGA Vegetable Blog. Weather conditions have been conducive for downy mildew development, and Dutta believes it is only a matter of time …
Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commissions Seek Nominations
(Atlanta, GA/May 8,2024) — Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper has announced that 12 of Georgia’s Agricultural Commodity Commissions are seeking nominations from producers to serve on their respective commissions. Nomination forms are available on the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s website and will be accepted until May 24, 2024. The Georgia Department of Agriculture administers these commissions, which oversee farmer-funded programs dedicated …
2,4-D Herbicide Drift Damage Showing up in Pecan Orchards
By Clint Thompson Herbicide damage is showing up in Southeast pecan orchards. This is the result of row-crop burndown, according to Lenny Wells, University of Georgia (UGA) Extension pecan specialist. It also has some growers concerned about the potential impact of 2,4-D mix drift on this year’s crop. “This is never a pleasant situation. It tends to be infuriating, nerve-wracking, …
Sen. Ossoff Helping Georgia Producers Export More Products
Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff is helping Georgia farmers export more crops to world markets. Ossoff is working to bring Republicans and Democrats together to pass the bipartisan Specialty CROP Act of 2023, legislation he co-sponsored to support Georgia’s farmers and level the playing field to boost exports. The bipartisan bill would promote fair access to foreign markets and …
GFVGA Applauds Resources to Help Control Feral Hogs, Deer Populations
The legislative budget for Georgia includes funding vital to helping protect the state’s farming commodities, including specialty crops, from nuisances like feral hogs and deer. Chris Butts, executive director of the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA), addressed both following a GFVGA webinar that highlighted the most recent legislative session. “It can be devastating if you go and plant …
Georgia Strawberry Diseases Widespread, Devastating
Strawberry diseases are devastating Georgia’s strawberry crop, which could lead to one of the worst production years ever, according to Phil Brannen, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension fruit disease specialist. “Many strawberry sites are now suffering substantial plant mortality as the season progresses. Losses are not uniform, and some sites look pretty good. But unfortunately, many do not,” Brannen wrote …